Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Car engine of the Future - New internal combustion engine to boost elect...

  • Usefull ibrid car.....suchs
  • tosk toskesen
    capitalism owned by the people in power. mutch like the USA
  • john hanrahan
    Nazi Capitalism? Please elaborate.
  • tosk toskesen
    ya if you live in a contry that allowes that kind of nazi capitalism. not in my contry fortunatly.
  • john hanrahan
    If manufacturers had a 100 MPG engine they would sell it. the oil producers would love it! Why? Because they could charge $100/gallon, produce less,lower their need for infrastructure and be secure knowing there supplies were now going to last into the distant future and possibly beyond. everything stays the same in relative terms just skewed from the scale we operate with now.
  • john hanrahan
    ...from? So far, the NIMBY obstructionists find it necessary to block all possible answers. They block Solar, Nuclear. They block more hydro dams, they block geothermal (my personal favorite) and they block any expansion of the transmission line infrastructure. Mention methane and they'll go off on the ozone danger (which is true in its unburned form). I'd like to see the complainers offer solutions instead.
  • john hanrahan
    Can't say if that's true or not, but I can offer this: Fossil fuel burning internal combustion is not necessary, but it IS economical, offers unsurpassed power and range for the mass and volume employed. It is a convenient answer to an engineering problem. That being said, it is NOT the only answer. EVs offer similar answers to the same problem and I'm sure advances in applied materials will refine the possibilities. What remains to be answered is:"Where is all the electricity necessary coming
  • Nomoreidsleft
    Nice design very efficient.
  • Smileshooter
    A combustion engine to boost the electric motor. Then you can get an extra Steam Engine to boost the combustion Engine and then you can get a horse to boost the steam engine. This is definitly NOT the Way i want to "boost" my electric Engine ;)
  • diggingforgold
    Oil production capacity will likely continue to grow until 2018, per DoE. Conservative estimates suggest we will see production peak in the 2020's.
    Hydrocarbons are not a sustainable source of fuel for transportation if they are expected to peak within a decade. When production does peak, very bad things will happen. See the Hirsch Report, created for the DoE in 2005.
    The point in time that we see Tesla mass producing its 'BlueStar' is the point in time when we will see Peak Oil.

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