Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Car engine of the Future - New internal combustion engine to boost elect...
capitalism owned by the people in power. mutch like the USA
ya if you live in a contry that allowes that kind of nazi capitalism. not in my contry fortunatly.
If manufacturers had a 100 MPG engine they would sell it. the oil producers would love it! Why? Because they could charge $100/gallon, produce less,lower their need for infrastructure and be secure knowing there supplies were now going to last into the distant future and possibly beyond. everything stays the same in relative terms just skewed from the scale we operate with now.
...from? So far, the NIMBY obstructionists find it necessary to block all possible answers. They block Solar, Nuclear. They block more hydro dams, they block geothermal (my personal favorite) and they block any expansion of the transmission line infrastructure. Mention methane and they'll go off on the ozone danger (which is true in its unburned form). I'd like to see the complainers offer solutions instead.
Can't say if that's true or not, but I can offer this: Fossil fuel burning internal combustion is not necessary, but it IS economical, offers unsurpassed power and range for the mass and volume employed. It is a convenient answer to an engineering problem. That being said, it is NOT the only answer. EVs offer similar answers to the same problem and I'm sure advances in applied materials will refine the possibilities. What remains to be answered is:"Where is all the electricity necessary coming
A combustion engine to boost the electric motor. Then you can get an extra Steam Engine to boost the combustion Engine and then you can get a horse to boost the steam engine. This is definitly NOT the Way i want to "boost" my electric Engine ;)
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Oil production capacity will likely continue to grow until 2018, per DoE. Conservative estimates suggest we will see production peak in the 2020's.
Hydrocarbons are not a sustainable source of fuel for transportation if they are expected to peak within a decade. When production does peak, very bad things will happen. See the Hirsch Report, created for the DoE in 2005.
The point in time that we see Tesla mass producing its 'BlueStar' is the point in time when we will see Peak Oil.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Starting on your regular-to-electric car conversion project:
While a good guide is absolutely essential if you want to convert your vehicle into an electric car, there are a few other things you need too. So here's a list of things you need to have before starting on your regular-to-electric car conversion project:
To build your own electric car, you must have at least a working knowledge on how cars work, how they operate, what makes them run; in other words, a knowledge about the basic theories of cars.
The internet has lots of resources available pertaining to this particular subject. You can also buy guides or manuals online to help you convert your regular car to electric. Another great way to gather knowledge is to join car forums and interact with car experts and other car enthusiasts.
You must have enough work space before proceeding with your project. A recommended working area must be:
a. large enough for the car;
b. spacious enough to accommodate the parts that will be taken out as well as for the new parts that are waiting to be installed;
c. has enough leg room;
d. big enough for at least two people to fit in and work together comfortably (you might need to ask for some assistance in carrying and lifting heavy parts, cleaning, or even for just an expert's advice while you work);
e. reasonably dry and has space that is sheltered from rain or cold weather (you may want to work outdoors but some mechanical parts may need to be kept indoors to avoid getting wet and rusty);
f. well-lighted
You must have an appropriate donor vehicle in mind. To come up with the best vehicle to transform into an electric car, take your travel needs (mileage, space, speed) and compare it with the general rules in picking a suitable donor vehicle.
Take note of these few simple rules before deciding on your choice of vehicle:
o A lightweight and spacious car is advisable.
o Avoid choosing vehicles that are older than 10 years for the main reason that you might have a problem looking for parts this old.
o On the other hand, avoid vehicles that are new or exotic, for the same reason as in old vehicles.
Parts needed to build your own electric car are fewer compared to those of a regular car . Here are the major parts of an electric car that you absolutely must have:
o Motor
o Controller
o Batteries
o DC-DC converter
o Vacuum brake pump
o Battery charger
To get these parts together, you may need to scout for them or you can try logging on to forums that concentrate on topics about electric cars. You may find very useful links to dealers and suppliers of conversion kits (mechanical parts to build an electric car). You can also inquire if they do custom fitting of parts for your specific vehicle type.
To build your own electric car, you'll have to deal with tasks such as metal works, electrical wirings, welding, and even a little bit of carpentry. You must be equipped with the right tools. It doesn't matter if you buy, borrow, or rent these as long as you have everything you need. But it might be a good investment for you to buy the major tools especially if you're planning to build electric cars on a regular basis.
Samuel Watson knows how to turn YOUR vehicle into an electric car. Visit his electric car conversion website right now to download his step-by-step, easy to follow manual showing you exactly how to convert your car into an electric. Go there now --> Click Here To Get The Premium Electric Car Guide.
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The return of the electric car
Cars are one of the most significant inventions that man has ever made. It has emerged as the primary means of transportation because it's fast, elegant and comfortable. From the time of the steam powered coaches until the most recent sedan, cars have the primary source of transportation in the world.
However, this usefulness has been shadowed by its negative effects on the environment. It is because cars contribute to almost more than one - third of air pollution. These made the car, in spite of its usefulness, a health and nature hazard.
Now, steps are being made to find ways in order to make the cars more eco - friendly. These steps resulted to the revival of the concept of electric cars.
Electric cars are not new. They have been one of the early versions of cars and were in competition with the gas - guzzler type for use in all kinds of transport in early times. However, it lost the battle because of two factors; the invention of the electric starter by Cadillac and the start of mass production of cars by Ford. It was only recently that major car companies began developing models for the public.
In spite of this development, the majority of electric cars that run on the highways are built at home using old cars and spare parts. It is so easy that with a few hundred dollars, anyone can convert a regular car to an electric one. Indeed, the idea of an electric car conversion has spread that many are wondering how to build an electric car.
Because of this various books have been written to cater to the inquiries of the people. Do - it - yourself or DIY electric car guides become readily available in bookstores and shops. Its major impact though is found on the World Wide Web.
Numerous sites that are devoted to electric cars appeared. Many sites offer first hand information about electric cars for beginners and old timers alike. These sites also sell DIY electric car kits, guides, spare parts and completed models at the best possible price. In the Internet, information sharing about electric cars became so easy that absolute beginners don't need a very comprehensive knowledge just to build an electric car.
Aside from being eco - friendly, electric cars are also noted for its fuel efficiency. It gives a better return to the owner's money since almost all the energy stored in its batteries are used in running the car. Conventional cars which use gasoline only consume approximately 20 % of the energy that is stored in every liter. The rest becomes hazardous emissions and wasted potential energy.
Electric car owners also love its being nearly silent when running. This makes it ideal in quiet neighborhoods where people appreciate the idea of being quiet. This silence is due to the absence of the engine which is its main difference from conventional cars. Instead electric motors attached to controllers which are attached to storage batteries provide the main source of power.
The revival of the concept behind electric cars could just be the missing factor in making cars eco - friendly. And it's not too late to start learning about converting your car into an electric vehicle. Any serious driver should know how to build an electric car. It would be a great boost not only to their driving lives but also to the environment.
Want to convert your car into an electric vehicle right NOW? Just pick up a copy of the premium electric car guide. Bill is a writer for the premium electric car guide, and has years of experience with mechanics and cars. Pick up the guide now --> www.PremiumElectricCar.com
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